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For inquiries about neurolipidomic opportunities and the CIHR Training Program in Neurodegenerative Lipidomics, please email:

NRL and OISB, Dr Steffany Bennett, please email

CIMS, Dr Stephen Fai, please email:


This resource was developed with the support of the Canadian Institute of Health Research CIHR MOP 89999 (operating) to SALB and DF, STIHR/CIHR Training Program in Neurodegenerative Lipidomics (CPTNL) TGF-96121(trainee support) to SALB, DF, and SF, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council CREATE to DF and GWS. SF acknowledges the support of CFI and ORF. APB, GSVM recieved CTPNL studentships; SG and NV recieved CTPNL post-professional fellowships; HX and MB received CTPNL post-doctoral fellowships. APB was also supported by Fonds de la recherche en santé du Quebec (FRSQ). HX received a MITACs post-doctoral fellowship. This program uses ChemAxon's Marvin to display the generated chemical structures, Marvin, 2011, ChemAxon.